Competitive Review


A comparison of your site or product against up to four of your competitors. Side-by-side ratings in key design areas and call-outs detailing particularly good and bad examples from all sites, written in a way that allows you to learn from others’ strengths and weaknesses.

  • Direct comparison with your competitors using metrics that are traditionally hard to obtain
  • Great as a benchmark before and after a major change
  • Learn which of your competitors’ designs actually hurt users – great ammunition for your sales team.


Competitive reviews take the key elements from our single-product design review and apply them to a comparative evaluation of your site or product against your closest competitors.

Analysis typically covers five main areas:

  • Navigation: menus, links and search
  • Content: information, tone and relevance
  • Interaction:  forms, applications, communications
  • Design: style, visual design, layout
  • Conformance: accessibility, globalization/localization, device support

In addition we provide analysis of the top user tasks on the site, noting areas likely to cause errors or abandonment.

For each area we highlight good and bad design practices across all the sites in the review. We score each site against core user experience heuristics and provide an overall ranking of the sites.

A competitive review provides actionable findings, rated by severity, which will allow you to immediately improve your own product. It also highlights the issues with the comparison sites or products in a way which enables you to learn from others’ strengths and weaknesses.


After performing the review, we prepare a detailed report of the findings.

  • Comparison metrics give you an immediate sense of where your user experience ranks. These are provided for each area of analysis and for the interface as a whole
  • Findings describe issues and give immediately actionable improvements
  • The justification for each finding is given so that you can understand the background to the problem and use this knowledge to resolve a whole class of issues in your interface
  • The relative merits of different approaches taken by each competitor are discussed to allow you to make informed future design decisions.

After you have had time to digest the contents of the report, we hold a conference call with your core team. In the call we clarify any findings which were unclear, and also help you determine alternative solutions if our recommendations are not achievable for architectural or budgetary reasons.

Support continues subsequently with quarterly check-in conference calls where we discuss issues that have arisen in your implementation of the recommendations

Price: From US$ 60,000  – see our Pricing page for more information

Duration: typically 3-5 weeks

Next steps

To find out more and to discuss how a competitive review can improve your site or application, talk to us by e-mail: info@ [this site’s domain]